Understanding Healing

Viewing the Body as an Energy Field

There are many ways to influence the body's energy field and we have discussed in another subheading how diet is one of the primary ways to influence the body's energy field. If conscious healthy choices are made, then the energy field is maintained in balance. If unconscious food choices are made that cause imbalance then the energy field becomes non-harmonious and eventually the physiology develops obvious manifested dis-ease. What energy disciplines teach us is that if we go about making dietary choices in a conscious way then we avoid imbalance and hence manifested disease.

There is an important distinction between energy healing and pharmaceutical healing used in the allopathic medical tradition. In energy healing the vibrational energy messages sent to the physiology result in slow pattern changes over a period of time.

Unlike pharmaceuticals that cause fast changes over a brief period of time (days to weeks), food and their counterparts, herbals, produce slow results (months to years). If a constant vibrational energy message is sent to the body over and over again, the body's vibrational energy field will change. This is similar to the experience of physically working the body to "get in shape."
The body does not respond quickly. It takes time for the body to respond to the message sent to the body. In the same way going on a diet to lose weight does not lead to rapid results. The energetic message being sent to the body in terms of food choices gradually over a period of time results in the desired result of weight loss.

So it is with any vibrational message sent to the body. Whether it is an herb such as aloe or a food such as a ripe mango, the impact on the body's physiology occurs over a prolonged period. Hence patience is part of energy healing. One cannot rush it. It will occur but at the body's pace not the mind's pace. The important personal observation is whether one is better than how the body was feeling two weeks two months or even two years ago.

Healing patience is part of energy healing.

In energy healing the vibrational energy messages sent to the
physiology result in slow pattern changes over a period of time.